I am challenging myself to post a picture everyday for a year! It will be a fun way to watch the 2nd year of Sawyers life go by. The first year went by too fast.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day 306: Sawyers Saturday Afternoon

Enjoying a fruit pouch and a Bubble Guppies Episode after a Target trip.

Then it was time for the Firehat again and playing with Trucks and Tractors

And after he hung out in his room and ate a bit of a nectarine

Soon after I took these pictures, he came out of his room withOUT the nectarine. So went in and found it here on the windowsill. Haha.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Day 302: Ummm.....okay....

Sawyer was doing his little "I want something from the counter" dance/whine so I picked him up and he was grabbing the loaf of bread. So, I gave him a plain ole piece of wheat bread and don't you know he sat and ate the whole thing, and then asked for another and ate about 75% of that. Hilarious.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day 300: Cozy Day

Nothing too exciting today, just hanging out at home being cozy! I love days like this.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 299: Playtime At The Park!

The weather was so nice today, so we took the little dude to the park this afternoon. Boy was it crowded!! I guess after the crazy weather we had during the week, people were eager to get out and enjoy the nice day. Sawyer had a great time, going down the slide over and over and a few times he took off to go try take someone's soccer ball. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Day 298: Oh No Buddy!

Sawyer has had issues with excema for a while now, boo. It has been looking worse than usual and our normal prescription wasn't working all that well so I made an appointment to get him checked out. We walked away with 2 new ointments and a refill of the one we already have AS WELL as an antibiotic for an ear infection that I had no idea about!! He has been acting totally normal! But he has had a cold on and off for at least a month if not longer so I guess I can't be too surprised. Anyway, I picked up 4 prescriptions for him today as well as one for myself. Thank heavens for insurance! haha

Look how sweet he looks! He plays like he has no ailments!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day 297: Melting Snow Is Still Fun Snow

as demonstrated by The Dude. We even threw some snowballs off the deck today.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 296: Snow Day!

It has been snowing all day nonstop. Sawyer thought all the snow was pretty neat!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 295: Snacks With Mama On A Sick Day

Sawyer and I haven't been feeling all that wonderful these past couple days. He has a cross between a runny and stuffy nose, and I have a sore throat and some stuffiness, so we stayed home today for some rest and relaxation. We watched tv, played with his toys, put together some puzzles, and had some snacks. :)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 293: Ride The Train

For some silly reason, Sawyer thought it would be fun to "ride" his little toy pull train today.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Day 292: Afternoon TV Time

Sawyer gets a little treat of an episode (or two) or Bubbles Guppies after his naps (or on the weekdays when we get home from school). 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 291: Making A Card

Sawyer made a birthday card for his Great-Grandpa today. Tomorrow he will meet him for the first time at a birthday lunch. :) 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 290: Birthday Preview

Some of the party decor I ordered came today. One of the favors will be these little beachballs, I had to blow one up to see what it looked like. Sawyer is a fan.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 289: Typical (almost) Two Year Old

I can't even remember why he was making these faces, but he was mad about something. 

Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 287: Mmmm, Apple!

Today Sawyer wanted me to pick him up so he could peruse the kitchen counters (a daily occurrence) and he grabbed for this apple. Not ever seeing him eat at apple whole like this, I decided to see what he would do. I assumed he would give it back to me and then beg for some gerber snacks, but nope-he ended up eating more than half of it! It was so cute!

After a few bites in the kitchen, he then moved to the couch.

After that, he decided he didn't want me watching him or taking pictures of him anymore.